About Us - Bharatiya Beej Sahakari Samiti Limited
  • +91-120-2537455
  • coopbeej@gmail.com
  • New Delhi, India


Bharatiya Beej Sahakari Samiti is set up with the approval of Union Government and registered under Multi State Cooperative Societies Act 2002 on the 25th day of January 2023 is hereby conferred status of National Cooperative Society (hereinafter referred as the society). BBSS is jointly promoted by Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFCO), Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited (KRIBHCO), National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Limited (NAFED), National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) and National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) as promoter members and among them, KRIBHCO is the Chief Promoter of this society.


To act as a national level organization by undertaking various activities including production, processing, storage, marketing, branding and distribution of quality seeds including promotion of indigenous, traditional and natural (Meethey) seeds produced by cooperatives and other entities.

To promote and safeguard the economic interests of all its members by conducting its affairs in a professional, democratic and autonomous manner for attaining social and economic betterment of its members through self-help and mutual aid, in accordance with co-operative principles leading to the realization of “Sahakar Se Samriddhi”.

Our Mission

To produce and market quality seeds in agriculture ecosystem for enhancing the existing crop production.

To strengthen seed production infrastructure in the country and to ameliorate and address issues of promotion of new varieties.
The Society will develop participatory plant breeding approach for all the class of seeds through the members of cooperatives and make efforts to engage them for achieving desired Seed Replacement Rate (SRR) and Varietal Replacement Rate (VRR) by providing proper institutional support.
To establish linkages with crop improvement projects, Seed industry, Seed regulatory agencies, NGOs, KVKs, State and Central Agricultural universities.
To improve income of the farmers and stakeholders which will transform into their improved social security.
To act and assist for promoting and the working for its members, partners, associates and cooperative marketing, processing and supplying societies of seed sector in India.
To represent the entire cooperative fraternity across the country which will infuse a sense of belongingness among the stakeholders leading to enhanced social cohesion and national integrity.


The society is authorized to produce seeds and undertake all the good quality seed related activities across its supply chain. The society may take active support from relevant Ministries and institutions like Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) and National Seed Corporation (NSC) through their schemes and agencies. This charter authorises the society to make its own bye-laws but they shall not to be contrary to the provisions contained in Multi State Cooperative Societies Act 2002 as amended from time to time.

Functions and Activities of the Society

The Central Government has given approval to form a national level multi-state cooperative seed society. The society will incorporate all types of cooperative structures to ensure cultivation of quality seed with a single brand name and increasing role of farmers in seed variety testing, production and distribution of certified seeds.

It will have an area of operation across the country with its registered office at New Delhi.

Cooperatives at all levels shall be eligible to join the Society as members.

The main activity of the Society will be production, testing, certification, procurement, processing, storage, branding, labeling and packaging of seeds of all the three generations i.e. Breeder, Foundation and certified through packs.


Advantages of National Level Multi-State Cooperative Seed Society

If the farmers get high quality seeds through this society, then agricultural productivity will improve.

There will be a proper arrangement for the conservation of Indian traditional natural seeds (sweet seeds) which are becoming extinct.

– Processing, buying and selling of quality seeds will also generate additional employment in these sectors, thus boosting rural economy, promoting “Make in India” and leading to Atmanirbhar Bharat.

– It will develop a system for conservation and promotion of indigenous natural seeds and will also help in new research and development.


Management of Seed Society

Three major national cooperatives IFFCO, KRIBHCO and NAFED as well as two statutory bodies – NDDB and NCDC will contribute ₹50 crore each and become promoter members of the seed cooperative.

The society will have an authorized share capital of ₹500 crore with an initial paid-up share capital of ₹250 crore.


ICAR will provide breeder seed and technical support

It will have an area of operation across the country with its registered office at New Delhi.

Benefits of National Level Multi-State Cooperative Seed Society

  • This society will work to provide many benefits to the farmers across the country along with providing high quality seeds.

  • This society will work to increase productivity in agriculture.

  • The direct contribution of quality seeds to the production in the country is approx 15-20%, which can be increased to 45% with efficient management of other inputs.

  • This society will help farmers in production, purchase, branding, packaging and selling quality seeds and will also work to increase the capacity of cooperatives

  • The Society will incorporate all types of cooperative structures to ensure quality seed cultivation with a single brand name and increasing role of farmers in seed variety testing, production and distribution of certified seeds.

The Goal of Setting Up and Promoting the Committee

  • To act as an apex cooperative organization for production, procurement, processing, branding, labelling, packaging, storage, marketing and distribution of quality seeds; Strategic Research & Development.

  • A system will be developed for conservation and promotion of indigenous natural seeds.

  • Support services will be drawn from the concerned Ministries - Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, ICAR and National Seeds Corporation through their schemes and agencies, following a whole government approach.

Our Promoters

Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited (KRIBHCO) is a premier National level Cooperative Society of India engaged in fertilizer production and distribution and is registered under Multi State Cooperative Societies (MSCS) Act, 2002. KRIBHCO was founded in April 1980, to produce and distribute high-quality agricultural inputs, mainly chemical fertilizers, through cooperatives and institutional agencies. The paid-up share capital of KRIBHCO has been contributed by 9478 cooperative societies from all over the country. KRIBHCO believes in keeping with its cooperative philosophy and legacy while incorporating technology to better serve the nation.

Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited, also known as IFFCO, is a multi-state cooperative society. IFFCO is wholly owned by Cooperative Societies of India. The society is engaged in the business of manufacturing and marketing of fertilizers. IFFCO is headquartered in New Delhi, India. Started in 1967 with 57 member cooperatives, it is today the biggest co-op in the world by turnover on GDP per capita (as per World Cooperative Monitor 2021), with around 35,000 member cooperatives reaching over 50 million Indian farmers.

The National Dairy Development Board’s (NDDB) creation is rooted in the conviction that our nation’s socio-economic progress lies largely on the development of rural India.

The Dairy Board was created to promote, finance and support producer-owned and controlled organisations. NDDB’s programmes and activities seek to strengthen farmer owned institutions and support national policies that are favourable to the growth of such institutions. Fundamental to NDDB’s efforts are cooperative strategies and principles.

NDDB’s efforts transformed India’s rural economy by making dairying a viable and profitable economic activity for millions of milk producers while addressing the country’s need for self-sufficiency in milk production.

NDDB has been reaching out to dairy farmers by implementing other income generating innovative activities and offering them sustainable livelihood.

National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd (NAFED) is an apex organization of marketing cooperatives for agricultural produce in India, National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd, Official website. It was founded on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi on 2 October 1958 to promote the trade of agricultural produce and forest resources across the nation. It is registered under Multi State Co-operative Societies Act. NAFED is now one of the largest procurement as well as marketing agencies for agricultural products in India. With its headquarters in New Delhi, NAFED has four regional offices at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata, apart from 28 zonal offices in capitals of states and important cities.

The National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) is a statutory Corporation set up under an Act of Indian Parliament on 13 March 1963. The objectives of NCDC are planning and promoting programmes for production, processing, marketing, storage, export and import of agricultural produce, foodstuffs, industrial goods, livestock and certain other notified commodities and services on cooperative principles and for matters concerned therewith or incidental thereto.